E80- Sue Snow, Breath, heart and how plant medicine healed what western medicine could not


Photo Credit: https://bwitilife.com/

[Iboga is] getting the insights and living with those teachings — that we are the ones who are creating the negative thoughts in our mind, because we choose them.”

In today’s world, mental health issues are becoming more and more prevalent. However, there is often a lack of spiritual understanding when it comes to addressing these problems.

Sue’s story is a perfect example of this. During the 1980s, she suffered from severe depression that was never properly treated. Instead, she was subjected to endless medication and even electro-convulsive therapy – neither of which affected her condition. It wasn’t until she took a holistic and spiritual approach through plant medicine that she uncovered some important truths about herself that actually allowed her to heal. By processing these insights and accepting them as part of who she is, Sue was finally able to embrace her inner child and give herself unconditional love.

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