E91- Glori Meldrum, Creating a Safe Haven: Building a Space for Children to Heal


“Forgiveness will set you free. It doesn't mean that you’re best buddies with your offender, but if you don't let it go, it will destroy you.

Glori knows there’s a difference between rescuing a child from sexual abuse and healing them - one cannot work without the other. Before launching Little Warriors, Glori heard it was a great idea, but she was crazy for trying to do it. Undeterred, she knew that the universe would conspire in her favour to deliver the funds and team necessary to make it happen. While building Little Warriors, she discovered charitable taxation challenges created by the federal government that impact donor-driven organizations such as hers. This episode will inspire you to embrace grace, acceptance and non-judgment and the importance of taking brave action in the face of injustices everywhere.

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